job title: Trainee executive - quality assurance(piramal)

2/16/20251 min read

Area and line clearance for Manufacturing, Packing & Dispensing activity in production area.

  1. Inprocess checks in Manufacturing and Packing activity.

  2. Inspection of dispensing activity intermediately.

  3. Daily verification of weighing balance calibration activity.

  4. Daily verification of environmental monitoring of raw material staging area and Manufacturing and Packing area.

  5. Verification of each equipment cleanliness and area cleanliness during line clearance

  6. Verification and review of online Batch Manufacturing Records.

  7. Sampling of bulk stage and finished goods analysis and control sample.

  8. Verification of production documents.

  9. Daily non conformance observation reported and maintained.

  10. In process quality checks in Tablet, Liquid, HNH, ANH manufacturing dept.

  11. Line Clearance for Manufacturing, Packing & Dispensing activity.

  12. Sampling of Bulk and Finished goods

  13. Review of production records and Finished Goods verification

  14. On job training to the new people working in the production area.

  15. Statistical Process Monitoring.

  16. Online observation of process deviation and effective implementation of CAPA.

  17. Reporting of daily non conformance.

  18. Execution of requirements for food/Dietary supplements regulations for export market (US)-21 CFR Part 111

  19. Ensuring avoidance of breach of data integrity in area.

  20. Implementation of effective sanitation program in area.

  21. Imparting required training to shop floor personnel.

  22. Adherence to the requirements of EHS norms.


B. Pharm or M. Pharm